Friday, March 13, 2009

NETLS Updates & Information 3/13

Hot Dates:

March 13 Deadline for grant applications to First Lady's Family Literacy Initiative for Texas

March 16 Ebsco database training - Frisco

March 17 vendor demo 9:30 -10:30 am

This is another homework product like Live Homework Help and Brainfuse demo offered to gauge interest.~~~Contact Connie for connection details.972-205-3852

March 17 vendor demo 2:00 p.m.~~~ Contact Connie for further details if you would like to participate. 972-205-3852

Mar 17 Webinar Understanding Open Source 1pm, reserve a seat now if you want to attend

March 18 - Webinar: Coalition Building in Your Community 4:00 - 5:00 EST (Note time zone)


March 19-22 Christian Book Expo, Dallas

March 20 deadline for Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship, which will enable a library school student or new professional to attend ALA's 2009 Annual Conference.

March 20 application deadline for Literacy and Gaming initiative grants funded by Verizon.

By March 20 -- participate in ALA's survey of the library's role in providing electronic links to government services

March 21 Twilight released on DVD -- licensing a special public performance is now easier

March 30 - NETLS Awards nominations due


Stimulating News!

The TLA website now has a document detailing funding possibilities for libraries contained in the ARRA.

Also from TLA's Gloria Meraz: Just a quick update about the stimulus information. We have had some feedback from the Workforce Commission. Most of the $$ they receive (over 90%) have to be drilled down to local workforce development boards. Local libraries may apply for some of those funds by submitting proposals in specific workforce board designated areas. One pot of money-that for the youth worker programs-seem to hold some promise.

~~~ In North Central Texas, the COG is administering this program. They will begin accepting RFPs March 16 ~~~


NETLS Area TALL Texans

The 2009 TALL Texans from the North East Texas Library System will be:

  • Lynne Craddock, Dallas Public Library
  • David Fettke, Dallas Public Library
  • Gail Johnston, Texas A&M Commerce
  • Marci Peschke, Kramer Elementary School, Dallas ISD
  • Sara Tebes, Irving Public Library

Congratulations to both the individuals named and their institutions!


Session dates have changed for several TSLAC programs.

Small Library Management Program, Confirm dates and register here.

Para Los Ninos Confirm enrollment and date here.


"Connecting to Collections: Constructing the Future." TLA Preconference

Funding for this workshop is provided in part by a Connecting to Collections Statewide Planning Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Workshop cost: $65.

A limited number of stipends (ranging from $65-$400) are available to assist attendees from small institutions with travel and registration costs.

To apply, send an email to Danielle Plumer,, including your name, the institution you represent, and a short description of how attendance at this workshop would benefit your institution and region. Please also include a short budget with the funds you are requesting, including travel, workshop registration fee, and up to one night's lodging.

Recipients will be asked to complete a short report on the workshop within six months of attending, describing their experiences and how they have shared their knowledge with others. Reports may be
included in the project website or other publications ~~ Contact Connie for the complete announcement. 972-205-3852


More Connecting to Collections

Webcast presentations on the challenges of caring for and sustaining living collections in zoos, aquaria, gardens, nature centers, and living history farms are now available from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).


From Neilsen reports

Social Networks & Blogs Now 4th Most Popular Online Activity, Ahead of Personal Email


More dates

March 27 Ebsco database training - Balch Springs

March 25 Collaborative Text Message Mobile Reference Information Session

Alliance Library System and Altarama will cohost an informational meeting for libraries interested in the possibility of joining InfoQuest(IQ), a six-month collaborative text message reference service. The online meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 25 from 10:00 am central - 12 noon. Participants will need to log into an online site and call into a teleconference number. If you would like to attend, please contact Lori Bell at ALS at The meeting will include an introduction to the Altarama software, an overview of the project, and timeline and expectations of participants. ~~~ Want the entire announcement? Let Connie know and she'll forward it to you. 972-205-3852 ~~~

March 30 Award nominations for NETLS area libraries are due.

March 31 -Loan Star Library Interim Financial Status Reports due

March 31 - Due date for submitting the Annual Report and the Application for System Membership.

Libraries submitting application forms after April 30 will NOT be eligible for system membership (Rule §1.85). Access the report at The instructions for filling it out may be found on the survey website or through TSLAC's website -- the application for system membership is there as well.

March 31 - April 3 -- TLA Conference, Houston

By April 1 Books for Babies Matching Grants

April 3 Webcast Diversity beyond the obvious

April 10 Deadline for grant application to National Book Fund grant to support adult literacy.

April 12 - 18 National Library Week
Quick, someone tell Hallmark -- National Library workers day is April 14

By April 15 Libri Foundation Books for Children
For small libraries (under 10,000 service population) in rural areas (30 miles from city with population over 40,000). Match your fundraising up to $350 2:1 so max available to spend is your $350 + $700 grant = $1,050

By May 1 - Payment for Membership Meeting Luncheon(s) due in NETLS office.

May 4 -- NETLS Membership (and friends) Meeting, Garland

By May 29 Harry Potter's World: Renaissance Science, Magic, and Medicine

If you made it this far you deserve a treat! Turn your speakers on! Here is a reporting form if you hear this on the radio.

... no Friday the 13th next month!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

NETLS Updates & Information 3/09

Hot Dates:

March 13 Deadline for grant applications to First Lady's Family Literacy Initiative for Texas

March 16 Ebsco database training - Frisco

March 17 vendor demo 9:30 -10:30 am
This is another homework product like Live Homework Help and Brainfuse demo offered to gauge interest. Contact Connie for connection details.

March 17 vendor demo 2:00 p.m. Contact Connie for further details if you would like to participate.

March 18 - Webinar: Coalition Building in Your Community 4:00 - 5:00 EST (Note time zone)

March 30 - NETLS Awards nominations due


Interesting report on use of the internet in the US by generation.
Did you expect this level of internet use among septuagenarians?

"The biggest increase in internet use since 2005 can be seen in the 70-75 year-old age group. While just over one-fourth (26%) of 70-75 year olds were online in 2005, 45% of that age group is currently

Stimulus Questions ...

I know you are getting questions from your funding bodies about the stimulus package. We still have no real answers to the questions about what the ARRA (American Recover and Reinvestment Act) will do for libraries.

Several sites of interest are:

Lead in childrens' books. This is the time to evaluate materials for children under age 12 that were published before 1985. Look at puzzles, picture books, readers, etc. These materials may contain lead paint and are banned for use by or distribution to children unless tested.

Books published after 1985 are *currently* exempted from enforcement under this act. (Books children are likely to put into their mouths such as cloth, plastic, or board books are NOT exempted.) Draft guidance for the CPSIA is posted here:

You may want to contact the commission to express your support of the exemption in the current rule or other comment.

may be filed by e-mail

Comments also may be filed by telefacsimile to (301) 504-0127 or mailed, preferably in five copies, to the Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20814; telephone (301) 504- 7530. Comments should be captioned ``Notice of Availability of Draft Guidance Regarding Which Children's Products are
Subject to the Requirements of CPSIA Section 108.'' Depending upon comments
received in response to this notice, the Commission will consider issuing a
notice of proposed rulemaking addressing these issues.

More dates

Mar 17 Webinar Understanding Open Source 1pm, reserve a seat now if you want to attend

March 19-22 Christian Book Expo, Dallas

March 20 deadline for Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship, which will enable a library school student or new professional to attend ALA's 2009 Annual Conference.

March 20 application deadline for Literacy and Gaming initiative grants funded by Verizon.

By March 20 -- participate in ALA's survey of the library's role in providing electronic links to government services

March 21 Twilight released on DVD -- read one librarian's plans for a library screening.

March 27 Ebsco database training - Balch Springs

March 30 NETLS Award nominations for area libraries are due. (See our website)

March 31 - Due date for submitting the Annual Report and the Application for System Membership.Libraries submitting application forms after April 30 will NOT be eligible for system membership (Rule §1.85). Access the report. The instructions for filling it out may be found on the survey website or through TSLAC's website --The Application for System Membership form is also on this webpage.

March 31 - April 3 -- TLA Conference, Houston

April 3 Webcast Diversity beyond the obvious

April 10 Deadline for grant application to National Book Fund grant to support adult literacy.

By May 1 - Payment for Membership Meeting Luncheon(s) due in NETLS office.

May 4 -- NETLS Membership (and friends) Meeting, Garland