Tuesday, December 14, 2010

NETLS Updates & Information 12/14/2010

LATER THIS WEEK all due by Friday

1. Complete the interest survey for participation in a potential Mobilize My Library Project. Contact Jerry McCulley (972-205-3862) if you have questions about this project.

2. Apply for Evanced Summer Reader pilot project. (Use attached form). This product is designed to relieve staff from paper forms and tracking of reading milestones. The software subscription is for a full year, libraries can offer reading programs throughout the year for a variety of purposes and groups. Contact Jerry McCulley (972-205-3862) if you have questions about this project.

3. Apply for Library computer protection project. (Use attached form) This project helps fund lock-down/rollback software and anti-virus software for library computers. The purpose is to increase computer up-time by protecting workstations from unwanted changes. Contact Jerry Brock (972-205-3892) if you have questions about this project.

Also December 17 J Frank Dobie Grant applications are due.

Later today?

Reauthorization of IMLS and confirmation Susan Hildreth as director of IMLS are on today’s legislative calendar. Information about the legislation is here. ALA is hoping the legislation will pass during this session, if not the process will need to begin again.

Another note from Washington: changes to the E-rate program that were voted on by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in September will be effective January 3, 2011.

Something Seasonal

Author Chris Van Allsburg reads the classic children's book, The Polar Express for the Barnes & Noble Online Storytime program.

Remember the NETLS NEWS list is open to all library supporters. Register here for our lists (or just ask to be added)… also most NETLS News emails are archived on the NETLS Director blog.

cid:image001.png@01CB9B98.7DF036A0netls Sample Tweets

  • 8% of online Americans use Twitter | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project http://t.co/40Qjfdc Are your target groups on?
  • Kindle Rapidly Losing Share To iPad -- E-Readers -- InformationWeek http://t.co/sbCHjQs via @AddThis
  • The PC Weenies - Persuasion Power http://t.co/d8qcnqL via For the self help collection.

If your library Tweets, let us know and we’ll add you to our list!

Your RDA Lesson… Contributed by Dennis Quinn, Cataloger, Duncanville Public Library


We’ve spent the last several lessons taking a very close look at the WEMI model, but WEMI is actually just one part of a larger model used by RDA. There are two other groups of entities like WEMI…but don’t worry; you might be surprised at how familiar the terms in these groups are.

Most of the entities used in RDA come from IFLA’s 1998 study on Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, or FRBR (“fur brr”) . What we’ve been calling WEMI is referred to in FRBR as "Group 1."

Group 2 consists of entities that can be responsible for the creation of entities in Group 1. These include the Person and the Corporate Body (which basically means several persons working together). RDA adds to these two the Family, which is like a corporate body whose members are related by blood, marriage, civil union, etc. In RDA-speak, a person, family or corporate body can create a work, realize an expression, produce a manifestation, and/or own an item.

In most cases, several Group 2 entities are responsible for a single information object at different levels of WEMI. For example:

The Person known as John Steinbeck created a Work known as The Grapes of Wrath.

  • The same Person realized the English-language Expression of that Work.
  • The Corporate Body known as Viking Press produced a 1939 publication that was a Manifestation of that Expression.
  • The Corporate Body known as Library of Congress owns several Items that are exemplars ("copies") of that Manifestation.

Group 3 includes various types of subject content: the Concept (defined as "an abstract notion or idea"), the Object ("a material thing"), the Event ("an action or occurrence") and the Place ("a location"). These four entities, as well as those in Group 2, are things that works can be about. Subjects of Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath include the fictional Family known as the Joads, the Event known as the Dust Bowl, the Places known as Oklahoma and California, and Concepts such as drought, economic hardship, and migrant farm workers.


Upcoming RDA Conference
Amigos Library Services presents an online RDA @ Your Library conference

February 4, 2011. The conference approaches RDA from a variety of perspectives including vendors, early adopters, OCLC, etc.

Buddy Up

.. & On the cheap..

If you want free copies of the Harlequin novel, Crime Scene @ Cardwell Ranch by BJ Daniels, please let me know. We can send via courier you can pick up at our office before January 11, 2011. The books are in boxes of 48.

The bookstore that contacted me has thousands of copies of this one title. There are no restrictions on how the books are used – they may be added to your collection or sold, turned into a craft, used for rewards, give-aways or even for discussion.

Check this discount pricing on CD-ROM, DVD, and gaming titles carefully selected for use in schools and libraries. Thanks to our partners at NTRLS for sharing this program from Thomas Klise/Crimson Multimedia. You’ll soon also find this offer on our discounts page. (Can’t wait? Give us a call.)

Save with Group Purchase

If your library plans to subscribe to the RDA Toolkit, order through LLIBS to get in on a group purchase discount. Contact Lisa Winter for more information.

The TALL Texans Leadership Development Institute is a five-day seminar on leadership and management intended for up-and-coming leaders in the Texas library community. The Institute offers advanced study on topics such as strategic and tactical planning, calculated risk-taking, communication, collaboration, teambuilding, conflict resolution, power, community engagement and advocacy for mid-career librarians from all library types with at least five years of experience working in a library (MLS is not required). Library advocates from the community may also apply after 3 years' experience working with libraries. The main goal of the program is to develop leaders for libraries, for the communities they serve, and for the profession.

Info and online application forms are available on the TLA web site at www.txla.org/talltexans.

Employers are often willing to cover registration costs, but some TLA member units may offer financial aid as well. Participants usually only need to cover transportation and incidental expenses. The program is held at the Montserrat Retreat Center in Lake Dallas, Texas. Room and board are included in the registration fee.

Please contact institute coordinator Ted Wanner if you have questions: tedw@txla.org or 800-580-2852, or talk to a colleague who has been through the program. With over four hundred graduates in the last sixteen years, odds are good that a librarian near you can tell you about the TALL Texans experience.

Rural Libraries: Beefing up the Funds watch the video from ALA’s District Dispatch. The session explains how USDA and IMLS funds may assist rural libraries.

Spend Grant Money

Explore the Library Development Division’s blog for Grant Opportunity postings. Start with this recent post from Jennifer Peters then explore links to previous featured opportunities listed below the current post. Visit the grants lists on the Houston Area Library System website. Register for TSLAC’s grants listserv.

In addition to advertised grant opportunities libraries are reporting success obtaining funds from: their local banks; railroads; electric utility; retailers; and service clubs. In some cases the local entity has funds to distribute, frequently their parent organization also provides funding from a foundation.

Grant Reviews

NETLS consultants review grant applications and make recommendations to enhance requests. Please allow staff time to provide a thorough, thoughtful review. Note we recommend Tocker Grant applications due January 15 be sent to us by January 7 for review.

Promoting Databases:

Here’s an interesting idea from Ebsco (and they provide them free) -- stickers to place on the shelf or cover of your magazines to indicate the ones available in a TexShare Database. Order here.

Getting Philosophical about E-Books
Is there a role for libraries in delivering e-books? Are libraries in the game? Can libraries influence the e-book future? Take a look at this investigation by COLSA.

Coming soon on a computer near you:

Upcoming Webinars listed on TSLAC Library Developments Blog

See the listing of archived presentations. Guest access is available.

Upcoming Infopeople Webinars

Also available: Librarian Live Podcasts

Management and Training topics

Ebsco’s free online training schedule

Webinar tip…

Instead of tying up your business phone line for the duration of a webinar, try using Google Voice. Google Voice offers free computer to phone calling to phone numbers in the U.S. and Canada. If you are only listening to the call you don’t even need a microphone, just speakers!

NETLS In-person training

Secrets of Collection Management – Presenter, Lisa Winter, President LLIBS

All workshops 9 to noon. Register early! Registrants will be asked to return a brief survey before their workshops.

January 4, Henderson

January 5, Jefferson

January 11, Lancaster

January 12, Forney

January 19, Mineola

January 21, McKinney

The Four R’s of Volunteer Management – Presenter, Mary Beth Harrington, Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations

All workshops 9 to noon. Register here.

January 25, Dallas, J. Erik Jonsson Central Library

January 27, Sulphur Springs

February 10, Texarkana

February 15, Van Alstyne

March 8, Lindale

March 10, Longview

Future TLA Annual Conference Dates

  • 2011 April 12-15 Austin
  • 2012 April 17-20 Houston
  • 2013 April 23-26 Fort Worth
  • 2014 April 8-11 San Antonio
  • 2015 April 14-17 Austin
  • 2016 April 19-22 Houston
  • 2017 April 25-28 San Antonio
  • 2018 April 10-13 Dallas
  • 2019 April 9-12 Austin

By December 17 J Frank Dobie Grant applications due

By December 31 Send (postmark, email or fax) application for Christina B. Woll Memorial Grant

Until December 31 Get in-store grant application from Sam’s or Walmart. They do not accept mailed, fax, phoned applications.

By January 5 Muhammad Ali Center Peace Garden grant applications for award packages (not cash) due

By January 7 Apply for Quality Books/New Members Round Table Professional Development Grant for 2011 TLA Conference

By January 7 Tocker Grants to NETLS office for review

By January 7 Apply for TALL Texans Leadership Development Institute

January 15 Tocker Grant application deadline

February 1 Highsmith Award applications due

February 1 Big read applications due


Below the line

I like big books video – great job!

I Like Big Books - Dowell Middle School

Thanks to TLA for featuring this on their Facebook page!