Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NETLS Information & Updates 9/23


NETLS and NTRLS are exploring consortia or group purchasing discounts for our member libraries. We expect to identify products and negotiate terms in FY2010 and provide group pricing in FY2011 (September 2010). The first step in the process is this survey.

I’ve been peeking at the results of this survey, THANK YOU for participating. This is also a good time to remind you of our current discounts page since some of the vendors we have listed are being requested in your responses. We will not be able to arrange discounts for the categories of books and media on the statewide purchasing contract (.pdf). If you have questions or problems with the statewide contract, please contact me. Maybe we can work out the kinks!


in addition to the vast (and sometimes scattered) array of free offerings on the web, several vendors are offering subscription services designed to help job seekers. Among services stressing job hunting search or preparation are:

Live Homework Help from – offers review of resumes, cover letters, etc. by certified teachers (NETLS offers consortia)

JobView – offers kiosks (in some areas) and desktop job search, includes many jobs not listed by the Workforce Commission and identifies jobs appropriate for ex-offenders (NETLS negotiated favorable pricing)

ResumeMaker – provides forms for resume writing, job search feature, interview sample questions, variety of guides and video clips (NETLS offers consortia)

Career Resource Center (GaleCengage) – all-in-one workflow, begins with interests, career or job fit to interests, training resources, etc.

We have 41 libraries participating in the ResumeMaker consortia – there is “room” for more, contact me for more information.


The staff of the Palestine Library is carefully investigating options for recovery from the extensive damage to the building. Work is underway to shore up the north wing in order to remove materials from the facility. The catalog home page is kept up-to-date with notices and photos.

NETLS staff made two deliveries of borrowed book trucks and book boxes to the library and assisted in packing the genealogy collection (in the stable, historic portion of the library). If you have skills, resources or ideas to offer, contact Library Director, Carol Herrington at 903 729-8087. All help is appreciated, contact Carol before visiting or sending help or materials so that efforts can be coordinated and scheduled as needed.

News stories of the first collapse here and about the recent collapse here and here. The library is keeping their catalog home page up-to-date with notices and photos.

While Palestine’s library is closed, the Jacksonville Library is serving Palestine residents. More about the cooperation between the cities here.


One of the NETLS nonprofit libraries is hoping to stay competitive in their total compensation for employees. If you have a document or link you can provide to show salary scales and benefits packages, please send to me at

As we begin our new fiscal year we’ll be sending a series of quick surveys, primarily to confirm your intention to participate in our group purchases or subsidy. The current survey tallies your intent to participate in the courier service. Please respond to all surveys, even if your answer is “No, thanks!”

Adolescent Literacy Development in Out-of-School Time: A Practitioner's Guidebook Carnegie Corporation of New York Moje, Elizabeth Birr; Nicole Tysvaer Published: September 2009

A companion report to Carnegie's Time to Act, describes types of literacy support offered in afterschool, weekend, and summer programs. The report includes outlines promising programs and practices, elements of success, and strategies for planning and implementation. (More reports available on the Foundation Center’s PubHub)

. The Gates Foundation's Opportunity Online Broadband Grant Program is looking for high-impact stories directly from patrons, commentary from library staff about the services they are able to provide or would provide if they had a broadband connection, and what patrons have done with the increased connection speed if they have gotten a high-speed connection. A video team is planning to be in the state for a week in September to try to get film stories in as many sites as possible. If you are interested in participating in this project please read this blog post and contact Dawn Vogler at (512) 936-4449.

Libraries not currently subscribing to broadband service should have received invitations to the Opportunity Online Summit in San Antonio next month. Library directors are encouraged to invite one community decision leader to attend the event. Libraries with broadband and not eligible for the new program may also be invited to the summit to share their experiences.

. Making the most of broadband stimulus funds, Tuesday, October 13th, 1 pm CDT Presented by: Motorola
Focused on wireless services, this free webinar (presented by industry insiders) will discuss how entities – think cities or counties -- looking for funds can drill down beyond the marketing hype and find the right partner to move through the bureaucratic, funding and procurement process. Municipal wireless planning guide (pdf).

. Join our group purchase of ResumeMaker. Very favorable terms for two years of service (pay for one year, get two years). Contact Connie for more information.

. On TSLAC’s Library Development Blog

A dozen ways to two-step; essential web 2.0 training for Texas librarians –currently underway (12 CEUs)


OPEN TO ALL The new TLA CE program that combines journal articles by top subject experts with live online webinars will be launching on October. The Fall series will focus on communication. Later seasons will cover collaboration (winter), leadership (spring), and innovation (summer).

Tuesday, October 13, 3:30-4:15pm

Dr. Julie Todaro, “School Library Data: I’ve called you all here today to…”

Julie Todaro, dean of library services for Austin Community College, will show how to use the school data from the recent TLA voter opinion survey to market school library programs and improve communications with local PTAs, support groups, and administrators. She has worked with school library administrators on this issue and chairs the TLA PR Committee. Todaro's webinar will provide realistic, replicable strategies for convincing others to speak out for school libraries.

(Public Library Topic) Tuesday, October 20, 2:00-2:45pm

Susan Mann, Building Relationships and Influence That Will Help Your Library”

Susan Mann, director of Hillsboro City Library, will provide "in the trench" training on cultivating and influencing elected officials and making sure libraries, librarians, and friends groups are at the decision-making table. Having skillfully negotiated the art of being heard, Mann offers a unique, creative, and practical program for the taking charge of your library's future. Mann follows up with a live online discussion on building relationships and "making a good friendship count": dealing with controversial matters, using relationships to support PR, and reviewing examples of when things go right and wrong.

Tuesday, October 27, 2:00-2:45pm

Robert Walton, “‘Big’ Challenges (and Opportunities) for Academic Libraries”

Robert Walton, chief executive officer of Claremont University Consortium, and former executive vice president and chief financial officer for Innovative Interfaces, Incorporated, will address the trends and changes he sees facing academic libraries. Now, as an academic administrator, he'll share strategies for advancing academic libraries for the next generation of higher education. Walton's webinar will feature a panel of Texas academic librarians reacting to Walton's ideas and discussing what, from an administrator’s perspective, makes librarians credible in the higher education arena.

To register: Please visit (TLA members can also register on the Members Only section of the TLA web site - if you do so, the system will automatically populate the registration form with data).

Email will be sent to registrants with detailed information on how to log in to the webinar before the event.

People who are unfamiliar with webinar technology are asked to log in 10 minutes early to make sure there are no technical problems.

Please note that participants will need to log in to BOTH a conference call and a web site. The conference call is toll free. The web site requires no downloads.

If you are concerned about your ability to connect to an outside webinar, please visit to instantly test your computer. If you see green dots, you're good to go!

Participants will be able to print certificates of CPE credit for the live events. Non-credit recordings of the webinars will also be available for viewing at a later date.

For more information, please contact TLA CE Specialist Ted Wanner at or 800-580-2852.

Ongoing Gale database training webinars(newest products are listed first)

Ongoing A dozen ways to two-step

Ongoing E-Library training – see blog post here

Also available: Archives of SirsiDynix Institutes

Librarian Live Podcasts

Through September 26 Authors ExpressSachse and Wylie authors’ series

September 22 Heritage quest webinar, 1 pm. more

September 23 Digital Sanborn maps webinar, 11 am . more

September 24 Young Adult Book Buzz webinar

September 25 East Texas Book Fest Ornelas Center, Tyler (location of our meeting Aug 14) Authors

September 26–October 3 Banned Book Week

September 30 TakinIt to the Street: Why businesses, non-profits and libraries must change how they deliver service to their markets Webinar sponsored by LJ and CivicTechnologies 1:-2: PM CST

By October 1 Books for babies matching grant applications due

By October 2 Proposals due for 2010 National Diversity in Libraries Conference, NDLC2010: From Groundwork to Action, July 14-16, 2010 in Princeton, NJ.

October 7-8 Opportunity Online Summit in San Antonio (by invitation only – awareness and opportunity for libraries without broadband service)

October 9 9th ILL Workshop DoubleTree Inn in Austin (Note, ILL 101 is offered at no charge)

October 12 Texas State Library and Archives Commission meeting, TBA, Sam Houston Regional Library & Research Center, 650 FM 1011, Liberty, TX 77575. Contact Tracy Lash 512-463-5460.

October 18 – 24 Teen Read Week (toolkit here)

October 24 2009 TLA District V Workshop Northeast Texas Community College Mount Pleasant, Texas. Open to everyone interested in libraries! (First time users and non-members look for the NEW USER button on the registration page.)

Oct 31 - November 1, 2009 - Texas Book Festival - State Capitol Building

November 1 End daylight saving time more info from WebExhibits

By November 2 – Entries for Best Small Library in America (under 25,000 pop)

By November 2 Entries due for participation in the Great Stories Club Grants, funded by Oprah’s Angel Project

November 3 Texas Special Election, Constitutional Amendments

Scheduling now – series of geographic planning meetings. November 2-6 and 16 & 17.

Below the line – Oops, this is the corrected link!
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