Monday, January 4, 2010

NETLS Updates & Information 1/4/2010

Happy 2010! We’re hitting the ground running, see the schedule of meetings planned. Please let us know of your successes and challenges, items for trade or share, and news others can use.

*Watch for your letter from TSLAC with login information for your annual report. The Bibliostat data collection form should be available now.*

Regional Meetings ….
NETLS Continues to offer opportunities for all libraries in the area to meet the Coordinator and provide input to the Long Range Planning (SFY2012-2013) and Annual planning processes for SFY2011.

Discuss innovative (wild and crazy) ideas for improving lives in your communities. We are seeking cooperative ventures and pilot programs.

The schedule of January meetings (with street addresses):

January 7, 10 AM Franklin County Library, Mt Vernon
January 8, 10 AM Whitesboro Public Library
January 11, 10 AM Noonday Comm
unity Library
January 12, 10 AM Grand Saline Public Library
January 20, 2 PM Rusk County Library, Henderson
January 21, 10 AM Rita & Truett Smith Public Library, Wylie
January 22, 10 AM Nicholas P. Sims Library, Waxahachie
January 22, 2 PM Irving Public Library, Irving,


MLS Degrees awarded December 19 to Delene DelaRosa and Jackie Icenhower, participants in the PELSC program.


NETLS has funds to help libraries reduce the financial risk of participating in ILL or TexShare card programs.

  • If your library is billed for ILL materials that are lost in transit, work with the other library and delivery service to determine the material is truly lost. If the material is lost, contact us – we may be able to pay some or all of the replacement cost on your behalf.
  • If your library issued a TexShare card to your patron in good standing according to your published policy and that patron fails to respond to both the lending library’s and your library’s attempt to get material returned, contact us. We may be able to assist you with your obligation to compensate the lending library.

You asked for it – don’t miss Financial Management in Tough Times Register through January 7; complete this self-paced online tutorial by January 31.

A dozen ways to two-step; essential web 2.0 training for Texas librarians is currently underway (12 CEUs) and ending soon.

workshop coming to Rowlett, January 22, register and read all about it on the Library Developments blog.

Free Online Training
See the Library Development Blog for a list of free training from a variety of sources offered in training from a variety of sources offered in January.

GRANTS TRAINING … taken from

Jennifer Peters, our LSTA Grants Coordinator here in LD, recently did a webinar on LSTA grant guidelines. If you missed this opportunity, view the archived version. Jennifer also recently conducted a webinar on Outcomes Based Evaluation that is archived here and also did a podcast version for those that just want a 10-minute overview. She's been busy with training!
Her training efforts continue this spring with her in-person workshop series on grant writing and seeking for libraries.


Well, maybe not desperate but if you can help us out …

  • Meeting room policies – if you have your policy online please send me the link through this form and I’ll share on our website
  • Links to long range or strategic plans, post to the form above and your link will be shared on our website.
  • Needed – one book truck for forming church library
  • Needed – tables and chairs for library use (From the request: If another library has discarded tables chairs or any other furniture please call me and I will be glad to pick them up.)
  • Needed – used laminator for 16X20 film


Two locking media drop boxes are available to area libraries with the ability to move the boxes from the NETLS office. These are used so will need some cleaning and maybe new paint. One of the available drops is round, the other is square. Contact Robin if your library is interested in having one. (See attached photo)

Ongoing Gale database training webinars(newest products are listed first)
A dozen ways to two-step
E-Library training – see blog post here
Also available: Archives of SirsiDynix Institutes
Librarian Live Podcasts

Register NOW to receive an application for The Better World Books/NCFL Libraries and Families Award grants to connect families to their local libraries and expand their literacy efforts in new and innovative ways.

January 7, 10 AM Regional Planning Meeting -- Franklin County Library, Mt Vernon , address
By January 8
Tocker grants to be review due in the NETLS office. (Email, please)
January 8, 10 AM
Regional Planning Meeting -- Whitesboro Public Library , address
January 9 2010 Application and guidelines
available for First Lady's Family Literacy Initiative for Texas grants of up to $50,000
By January 10
Apply for Genealogy Round Table $500 stipend for TLA 2010 (see attached)
By January 11
Apply for Texas Book Festival Grants
for books, technology, literacy
January 11, 10 AM
Regional Planning Meeting -- Noonday Community Library , address
January 12, 10 AM
Regional Planning Meeting -- Grand Saline Public Library , address
By January 15 Tocker f
oundations grant applications due
Postmarked by January 15
Small rural library applications for Libri Foundation Books for Children. Form is completed online, printed, signed and mailed.
January 15 – 18
ALA Mid-winter meeting, Boston. (If you go, RSVP to the AAP breakfast invite by January 10.)
January 18
City of Garland’s Martin Luther King, Jr holiday.
January 20, 2 PM
Regional Planning Meeting -- Rusk County Library, Henderson , address
January 21, 10 AM
Regional Planning Meeting -- Rita & Truett Smith Public Library, Wylie , address
January 22, 10 AM
Regional Planning Meeting -- Nicholas P. Sims Library, Waxahachie , address
January 22, 2 PM Regional Planning Meeting -- Irving Public Library, Irving , address
By January 29 We Peo
ple Bookshelf grant applications accepted for A More Perfect Union 17 books, and includes Ken Burns’ PBS series on the Civil Way.
By January 31 Isla Carroll Turner Friendship Trust Support for nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Texas that provide services to the elderly. Grants generally range from $5,000 to $100,000.
By February 2 Big Read applications due
By March 3 Tocker Foundation stipend
applications for TLA Conference 2010

Below the line


I purchased rights/permissions to show the image on this website – for a website they said $60 for 60 days. (Less than I feared though I hoped they’d say “free”.)