Friday, February 11, 2011

Identity theft; Red Flags rule

I’ve had a couple questions recently related to “required training for staff on the Red Flags Rule” related to protecting accounts from identity theft. Please see the information pasted below. I really don’t think the training is necessary for library or government personnel (unless for some reason you access credit accounts, report to credit bureaus, or make loans)


· What if I work for a municipality, city, or county, and we've already determined our activities fall within the Rule's definition of "creditor" or "financial institution"? Do our taxes, fines, etc., become "covered accounts" under the Red Flags Rule?

No. These fees are not covered accounts under the Rule because a person is not establishing a relationship to get goods or services.

· Does the FTC have a sample training policy for employees?

No. That wouldn't be practical because each Program is unique. Your employee training policies should be based on the specific red flags you've identified in your business or organization and the procedures you've put in place for detecting and responding to those red flags.

The original act was updated December 18:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Red Flag Program Clarification Act of 2010’’.


(a) AMENDMENT TO FCRA.—Section 615(e) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681m(e)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

‘‘(4) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this subsection, the term ‘creditor’—

‘‘(A) means a creditor, as defined in section 702 of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (15 U.S.C. 1691a), that regularly and in the ordinary course of business—

‘‘(i) obtains or uses consumer reports, directly or indirectly, in connection with a credit transaction;

‘‘(ii) furnishes information to consumer reporting agencies, as described in section 623, in connection with a credit transaction; or

‘‘(iii) advances funds to or on behalf of a person, based on an obligation of the person to repay the funds or repayable from specific property pledged by or on behalf of the person;

‘‘(B) does not include a creditor described in subparagraph (A)(iii) that advances funds on behalf of a person for expenses incidental to a service provided by the creditor to that person; and

‘‘(C) includes any other type of creditor, as defined in that section 702, as the agency described in paragraph (1) having authority over that creditor may determine appropriate by rule promulgated by that agency, based on a determination that such creditor offers or maintains accounts that are subject to a reasonably foreseeable risk of identity theft.’’.

I’m still not a lawyer but it does not seem that most libraries or agencies that do not regularly use or report to credit reporting agencies are in any way impacted by the law. I would expect those libraries dealing with recovery agencies (like Unique that do regularly report to credit agencies) would be hearing from those agencies to tighten the information they are provided.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

TSLAC Funding Priorities Additional Funds Requested

TSLAC Funding Priorities Additional Funding Requested

Proposed NETLS Bylaws

Proposed Bylaws

Monday, February 7, 2011

Library Developments Newsletter 2/7/2011

Just FYI from Library Development Division of TSLAC. Subscribe to these newletters or feeds (I will not routinely repost these) through:

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Free CE This Week! February 7-11, 2011

Posted: 06 Feb 2011 02:00 PM PST

Our weekly round-up of free continuing education on the Web is found below. Please confirm dates and times, and pre-register if available. Central Standard Time listed here. Follow links for additional webinar information, and for archive availability. Find Texas State Library webinar archives here, more (free!) online courses here and TexShare archived courses here.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
YA Alert: New Teen Titles for 2011
(Booklist Online)
Young adult literature remains one of the most exciting areas of the publishing world, and it's challenging to keep up with the latest news and books. In this information-packed Booklist Publications webinar, attendees will learn about the year's hottest YA releases. Booklist's Young Adult editor Gillian Engberg will be joined by publishing representatives who will fill you in on their leading teen titles for spring and beyond. Sponsored by Egmont USA, Bloomsbury Children's Books and Walker Books for Young Readers, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, and Disney Book Group.
Time: 1-2:00 p.m.

Grantseeking Basics (Foundation Center)
This introductory course provides an overview of the funding research process for those seeking grants from foundations, corporations, and grantmaking public charities. The webinar will cover: what you need to have in place before you seek a grant; what you need to know about grantmakers and how nonprofits are supported; how you identify funding partners; and resources for your grantseeking efforts.
Time: 1-2:00 p.m.

Teen Book Buzz Spring 2011 (School Library Journal)
It looks like another delicious spring for teen readers! Our YA publishers have fantastic books to tell you about from tried and true authors as well as some very special debuts. There's romance, suspense, faeries and fairy tale twists, futuristic societies, and plenty more. Any vampires, zombies or werewolves? You'll have to tune in to find out! It's guaranteed to be a fun and lively webcast.
Time: 2-3:00 p.m.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Managing Loan Star Libraries Grants (TSLAC)
Wendy Clark, of the Texas State Library & Archives Commission, will discuss how to complete required performance reporting for the Loan Star Libraries grant program including discussing techniques to assist you in collecting the information needed to accurately report statistics and community impact.
Time: 10-11:00 a.m.

Ten Tips to Effectively Serve the Genealogy Searcher (Lifelong Education @ Desktop)
Join us for a free webinar from an experienced librarian and genealogist, with decades of practical know-how to share. Willie Braudaway is the Director of the Del Rio (TX) LDS Family History Center and the author of "Genealogy: An Introduction for Library Staff", a new self-paced continuing education course for anyone interested in genealogy service from the University of North Texas Lifelong Education @ Desktop (LE@D) project.
Time: 1-2:00 p.m.

Friday, February 11, 2011
Tech Tools With Tine: 1 Hour of Google Presentation
Want a concise demo of how one tool works from a veteran software trainer with a little library context thrown in? Well, that's our new Tech Tools with Tine series! Christine Walczyk is currently a PhD student at the University of North Texas in Library & Information Science. She's a former software trainer, as well as a current independent technology consultant. February is Google Docs Month! In this webinar, Tine will focus on using Google Documents, the free Web-based slide-show display tool!
Time: 10-11:00 a.m.

EBSCOhost Public Library Resources provided through TexShare (EBSCOhost)
In this one hour session, we'll demonstrate just how easy searching EBSCO resources can be. Easy to navigate, this database is designed to promote an overall understanding of health-related topics. Attendees will also tour the EBSCO Support site, which provides additional training tools as well as materials to help promote these valuable online resources provided through TexShare.
Time: 1-2:00 p.m.

Basic Search Strategies and Tools using EBSCOhost provided through TexShare
TexShare provides you with over 30 full-text databases that are available via the EBSCOhost interface. These resources include publications and information concerning business & careers, health, government, history, technology, current events and our very own Texas Reference Center! This session will serve as an introduction to the different search modes, how to refine results using the Narrow By limiters, as well as citing, printing, emailing and saving results.
Time: 2:15-3:15 p.m.

Advanced Search Strategies and Tools using EBSCOhost provided through TexShare (EBSCOhost)
This session is designed for those who want to get the most of the EBSCO search experience. We'll explore advanced search strategies, use guided style search boxes and field codes and learn how to use limiters for detailed searching. We'll access publications and create journal and search alerts. Users will learn how personal folders can benefit both staff and patrons/students. Finally, we'll review EBSCO's Support Site for training and marketing resources and tools to promote these valuable resources provided through TexShare.
Time: 3:30-4:30pm

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