Friday, May 15, 2009

Webinar: How to Get Stimulus Bill Funding for Your Library's Technology Infrastructure

Register now if interested. There *may* be something useful in this session.

Tue, May 19, 2009 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM CDT

      On May 19th at noon Central, Join Userful, the Librarians Yellow Pages and John Windhausen* to learn more about securing funding for your technology infrastructure via the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program.

      The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) has allocated $7.2 billion to stimulate the development of broadband infrastructure. This includes $200 million to expand public computing center capacity at libraries and community colleges.

      If your library is interested in technology funding, fill in the form below to join our free 45 minute webinar focused on helping you access stimulus bill funds.

      *John Windhausen is a Washington D.C.-based telecom policy consultant. He served as communications counsel for the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and has written numerous studies and white papers on technology funding.

NETLS Information & Updates 5/15

TSLAC is busily sending emails to libraries for clarification of data submitted in the 2008 Annual Reports. If your library receives one of these emails please reply promptly to ensure continued system membership.

Some of the communication I’ve seen between TSLAC and the libraries is about director continuing education units. All directors need to get 10 units each year. If you are short credits for SFY2008, credits earned in SFY2009 may be applied, and 10 credits must also be earned for SFY2009. See below for CE listings.

The SFY2010 Loan Star Library program will be using the same Grant Management System (GMS) used for the NETLS System and TANG grants. Emails introducing the system and providing registration information have been sent to each library director. If you have not yet received this email, check your spam filter for email from app.bounces (at sign) or from Wendy Clark [wclark(at sign)]. The first report that must be completed in GMS is the Fiscal Year 2010 Status Update. The Status Update is used to calculate each library's grant award. Deadline for submission of the Status Update Report is June 15, 2009.

Disk Cleaning – From Jackie Icenhower in Atlanta -- We have a professional quality disc cleaner purchased in part with a NETLS grant. One of the conditions of the grant was that we would make the machine available to neighboring libraries. If you need a music, audio book, or DVD cleaned, we will do so for the cost of supplies -- $1.00. The machine has paid for itself already with only our collection. We have not discarded a single book or movie since acquiring the machine. It resurfaces the disc, even deep scratches. As long as you cannot see light through the disc, it can usually be fixed. Feel free to send discs. We can usually have them cleaned and ready in less than one week.


Preaching to the choir here.

and here is today’s survey link -- Joe Matthews, Coordinator of the San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science Executive MLIS program, is conducting an online survey to gather information about summer reading clubs nationwide. HERE is the link.



Now through July 31 Everyone Wins -- When School and Public Libraries Cooperate! Online Participants who make a grade of 70% or higher in this course are eligible to receive four (4) hours of continuing education credit.

May 16 Author signings Richardson Public Library 2-4.

By May 18 Woman's Day article contest for your library users

May 18-21 Innovative Users Group Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA

May 20-22 Evergreen (ILS) International Conference, Athens, GA

By May 22 Apply for Dollar General Grants range in amounts up to a maximum of $3,000 each. Dollar General offers support for youth literacy and school programs in areas served by Dollar General stores

By May 22 Applications Available for 2009 'Save America's Treasures' Program Matching grants of up to $700,000 will be given to nonprofits and government agencies working to preserve nationally significant intellectual and cultural artifacts, structures, and sites....

By May 22 Advanced registration deadline for ALA Conference

May 27 Find Your Inner Zombie: How to Involve All Staff in Teen Programs Parr Library – Plano (3 CPE)

By May 31 Target Early Childhood Reading Grants online application for programs taking place between October 1, 2009, and September 30, 2010. Notification about your request status by September 30, 2009. Most grants are between $1,000 and $3,000.

June 5 Scanning for Historic Preservation and Other Use: the Basics Made Simple Sulphur Springs Public Library (2 CPE)

June 6 Large Loan Star grants (over $20,000) 3rd Quarter Performance Reports due.

June 12
Attack Your Collection: Weeding with Crew South Garland Branch – Nicholson Memorial Library System (5.5 CPE)

By June 15 – Enter your library’s Loan Star status for SFY2010 into GMS (see above)

June Community Partnerships: Moving from Talk to Action

o June 17 Rockwall County Library (3 CPE)

o June 18 Palestine Public Library (3 CPE)

o June 24 Paris City Council Chambers (3 CPE)

o June 25 Longview Public Library (3 CPE)

By July 1 The Preservation and Access Education and Training program is central to NEH’s efforts to preserve and establish access to cultural heritage resources.

July 10 Collaborative Digitization: Preconference @ 2009 ALA Annual Conference

By July 15
Libri Foundation Books For Children Grants will match $50 to $350 raised by local sponsors on a 2-to-1 ratio to help small, rural public libraries buy children’s books.

By July 15 The Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program supports projects that provide an essential foundation for scholarship, education, and public programming in the humanities.


Schedule, organize, plan! Save time, money, and the environment. Talking about doodle and surveymonkey.

Bottom of the page:
10 former librarians.

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