Thursday, March 3, 2011

NETLS Updates & Information 3/3/2011

Geographic Meetings – LAST SESSIONS

Van Alstyne; Friday, March 4, 10 a.m. to noon
Van Alstyne Public Library, 117 N Waco; (903) 482-5991

Balch Springs; Tuesday, March 15, 10 a.m. to noon
Balch Springs Public Library, 12450 Elam Rd; (972)913-3000

We discuss NETLS services and ask attendees to note services used in the past year and to rank services in their order of importance.

We also reviewed the proposed state budget for SFY 2012 and SFY2013 noting the priorities outlined by Peggy Rudd, State Librarian in her letter to supporters.

In light of the current uncertainty, in particular for SFY2013, I ask you to review services offer by NETLS or TSLAC that you rely upon and use the coming fiscal year to shift this reliance to your local community.

State Budget Issues

Stay up to date with legislative issues impacting libraries with TLA’s Texline. Use these advocacy resources to respond to local, state and national issues. Use ALA’s advocacy publication, Libraries: The place of opportunity, for analysis of current and recent issues.

NETLS In-person training

Kim Lehman is back! Sign up now to join Kim for tricks, tips and support for planning and executing your summer reading programs. Sign-up for the make-up session.

Kim’s previously scheduled presentations were iced out and she’s agreed to present in our area ONE more time in preparation for this summer’s reading events.

Kim has extensive experience with the Texas Summer Reading Club and will share her techniques with you:

March 9 in Balch Springs 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (lunch on your own)

In addition to this in-person program , Kim presented these one hour webinars available through the TSLAC webinar archive:

Go Global and Stay Connected with Texas Teens Read! 2011

· View the Archived Webinar
· View the PowerPoint Slides PPT)
· View the PowerPoint Slides (PDF)

Dig Up a Good Book for Your 2011 Summer Reading Program

NETLS In- person training

Feedback from this series has been great – do yourself a favor and attend!

The Four R’s of Volunteer Management – Presenter, Mary Beth Harrington, Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations

All workshops 9 to noon. Register here.

  • March 8, Lindale
  • March 10, Longview
  • March 16, Texarkana (rescheduled)

"Getting Up to Speed: Understanding and Sustaining Your Broadband"

Join Christine Peterson in Balch Springs on Wednesday, March 23 for this important workshop sponsored by TSLAC. Registration and more information here.

Upcoming webinars hosted by the TX Workforce Commission.

Your Library and the Texas Workforce System- Thursday, March 10th, 10 AM:

Job seekers flock to their public libraries to search for employment opportunities, work on their resumes, and submit online job applications. In this first webinar hosted by the Texas Workforce Commission, John Fuller, Director of Workforce Network Support, will introduce the Texas workforce system, highlight the services and resources available through local workforce solution offices and explore how libraries and local workforce solution offices can work together to meet the needs of job seekers more effectively.

WorkInTexas and Other Career Tools for Your Library- Tuesday, March 29th, 10 AM:

WorkInTexas is the official job matching system of Texas that helps job seekers search for jobs online and find the perfect job match. In this second webinar hosted by the Texas Workforce Commission, Scott Eychner, Program Supervisor, will explain how you can assist library patrons looking for a new job, applying for unemployment insurance benefits or looking for local labor market information using WorkInTexas and related career tools.

You can register for both webinars at

Computer and Job Hunting Classes

I attended and received positive feedback from last week’s TSLAC sponsored webinar on the project. A collection of workshop offerings for job hunters and computers novices was mentioned in the discussion. If you would like your workshops listed, please send me your schedule of classes.

TLA Conference Stipends

Several TLA Units and Supporters offer financial assistance to assist funding for attendance at the TLA Annual Conference. Check out these resources from the TLA website:

Conference Stipends

TLA Webinars

TLA offers a variety of webinars. Some of the session are premium sessions for which there is a fee. TLA also offers webinars that are free to everyone, even nonmembers. Visit the TLA CE page for course listing. Note the link to archived webinars (on the left) the archives contain free and premium ($35) webinars. Upon completion of a webinar generate your own certificate of completion by clicking the CE Registration and Credit Certificate link on the left to access the account information you provided when you took the course. The certificate appears on the browser screen and can be email to yourself.

Tweet, Tweet – a little birdie told me… NETLS tweets

· Jeff Dawson/Lester Library: Report confirms public libraries have a future…

· Study these talking points about public libraries:

· Grand Opening ALBA this Saturday~~ their first library! Best wishes to supporters & residents for continued success.

· New library catalog in Coppell, ~~congrats~~

· Financial help for small library staff to attend TLA - Biblionix SCLRT Stipend ~~Thank you, Biblionix!~~

· She wrote the book on saving libraries ~~ Thanks to Alice at STLS for sharing ~~

· NETLS Updates and Information: Leading, inspiring ~~ A TEDx talk from a few years back ~~

· For 40,000 Gmail Users, Google Has To Leave The Cloud To Review The Tapes via @techcrunch

· International hug a librarian day! ~~ Facebook link ~~

· Wither libraries? Not so fast, new survey says - SmartPlanet… ~~ Discussing LRG ResearchLine Report

· Library programs may get the ax - Longview News-Journal:… ~~ Upshur Co., Longview, Sammy Brown, Pittsburg-Camp Co quotes

· Funding and priorities: the library resource guide benchmark study on 2011 library spending plans:…

· New Blog Post March 2011 Free Online Training: March 2011: Another month of great training opportunities! There...

· RT: Video: OverDrive eBooks on the iPhone

· New on our blog: @maxitoricardo weighs in on E-Book Lending Clubs

· Library Users, Librarians, and Libraries Boycott HarperCollins Over Change in Ebook Terms

· NYT on HC & ebook lending

· Check out: ~~ a nice summary of the current state of e-books and libraries and service possibilities.

· There is an app for that, hehehe! That is right library friends there is now a TumbleBooks app for facebook. Just...

· 26 Feb Favorite Undo Retweet Reply

· What if your paperback library book exploded after 26 check outs?

· Texas House tackles TSLAC budget request. Latest info from TLA.

· New Blog Post What You Don’t Get: Posted with permission from author, John Pecoraro, Big Country Library System ...

· Pittsburg-Camp County Public Library added Project Gutenberg records! ~~ Sample _Pride and Prejudice_ , good job! ~~

· Search Lindale Public Library try James Joyce ~~ Good job adding the free MARC ~~

· How Open library differs from Project Gutenberg

· RuralLibAssoc The ARSL Conference will be held September 8-11, 2011 in Frisco, TX. More information and early registration coming soon!

If your library Tweets, let us know and we’ll add you to our list!

.. & If you offer downloadable e-books..

Check out the Sony Reader library program.

Help the library community

Library Journal compiling a national Job Satisfaction Survey: reporting the results in the June issue. Please take a moment to complete the survey – tell them how things are in Texas!

Grant Help

Check out these ideas from Movie Licensing USA about finding grant funding for public performance rights. They added tips to strengthen your application here.

Itsy Bitsy Babies

Dr. Jim Thomas is seeking libraries in (relatively) close proximity to work with him on grant applications to offer a series of weekday morning classes introducing infants and their caregivers to very early learning activities. Dr. Thomas will conduct 4 sessions in the fall of 2011 or spring 2012 to help your library kick off the series. If you are interested in discussing this possibility please complete this brief form.

Save with Group Purchase
If your library plans to subscribe to the RDA Toolkit, order through LLIBS to get in on a group purchase discount.  Contact Lisa Winter for more information.  
 Did you know... among mobile phone users, Hispanics, Asians are most-likely smartphone owners in the U.S. (Neilsen report)
Have you seen the new publication
from the Pew Hispanic Center, Latinos and Digital Technology, 2010 by Gretchen
Compares rates of Internet use, including cell phone use, home broadband access, and types of online activities engaged in by race/ethnicity, nativity, dominant language, age, education, income, and area of residence. Discusses factors behind disparities.
~~ Implications here for reaching people in these demographic groups

American Academy of Dermatology Invites Applications for Shade Structure Grant Program Grants of up to $8,000 will be awarded to nonprofits working to provide permanent shade structures designed to provide ultraviolet ray protection for outdoor public spaces frequented by children under age 18....
Deadline: April 22, 2011

Opportunities…share your favorites

· Schedule science exhibits through University of Texas at Dallas Contact Science Program.

· Humanities Texas mini-grants throughout the year support visiting scholars for library programming.

· The Apron Chronicles: A Patchwork of American Recollections exhibit is one of the traveling exhibits from The Women’s Museum.

· Astronomy on Wheels through the Fort Worth Museum of Science and Industry provides a mobile planetarium.

· Turn your students on to SlimeKids – don’t miss the book trailers.

Coming soon on a computer near you:

Upcoming Webinars listed on TSLAC Library Developments Blog

See the listing of archived presentations. Guest access is available.

Upcoming Infopeople Webinars

Also available: Librarian Live Podcasts

Management and Training topics

Ebsco’s free online training schedule

Webinar tip…

Find webinars here, too. Note some are *not* free.

First Lady's Family Literacy Initiative for Texas Announces 2011 Grant Program
Grants of up to $50,000 will be given to Texas organizations working to implement a family literacy program; this year, grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to organizations in the planning stages of such a program....
Deadline: March 4, 2011

Check our CE Calendar, too….

March 4 Geographic meeting, Van Alstyne

By March 4 Family Literacy Grant applications due

March 8 Four Rs of volunteer management, Lindale

March 9 Making your summer reading program a success! Balch Springs

March 10 Reader-friendly Library Design free webinar

March 10 Four Rs of volunteer management, Longview

March16 Four Rs of volunteer management, Texarkana

March 15 Geographic meeting, Balch Springs

March 23, Getting up to speed: understanding and sustaining your broadband, Balch Springs

April 12-15 TLA Conference, Austin Convention Center

By April 22 Apply for sunshade grant

By April 30 Apply for Target Store Early Childhood Reading Grants

Save the date! NETLS membership meeting May 24!


Below the line

Awesome job! What a great life.

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